Our vibrations can travel thousands of miles away

Dear friend,
Now is the time when we must develop the highest level of self respect – so high that no one can affect us. Someone may throw a stone, ...
Dear friend,
Now is the time when we must develop the highest level of self respect – so high that no one can affect us. Someone may throw a stone, ...
Dear Friend,
Om shanti. In raj yoga we talk about there being eight powers: the power to tolerate, accommodate, cooperate, face, pack up, decide, discriminate, ...
Dear Friend,
Om shanti. We have talked many times about the importance of learning how to move into a state of soul consciousness. Silence is the ...
Dear Friend,
Om shanti. Of all of the things you make time for, I wonder if you make time to look at yourself. If all of your attention goes to ...
Dear Friend
Om shanti. It seems that in our times we have come to value a busy and absorbed intellect. But this will not bring us peace. At ...
Dear friend,
Sometimes we think of service as the meetings and planning that we do “out there” in the worlds of our organizations, but the simple and powerful ...
Dear friend,
Some have called the world at this time the Land of Sorrow. There are many situations and people that cause sorrow. God has many titles. Two that ...