Colourful Salad

January 04, 2011

Ancient Aurveda said that our food should be colorful. So we mixed yellow corn, red tomatoes, green cucumbers and avocados, black olives and white sour-cream. As a result we got a meal for healthy mind and body.

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  1. 3 tablespoon canned sweetcorn
  2. 100 grams tomatoes diced into cubes
  3. 100 grams cucumber chopped into cubes
  4. 100 grams avocado chopped into cubes
  5. Fresh chilli/ground black pepper
  6. Olives
  7. Fresh coriander leaves
  8. Sour cream – quantity according taste
  9. Salt


  1. Add all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well
  2. Check the seasoning and serve
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