Play your part and allow others to play theirs

Play your part and allow others to play theirs

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  I never really saw many movies or plays as a child, however in the movies of the world, very few people act and many people go to ...

Om shanti. Om shanti. Om shanti

Om shanti.  Om shanti.  Om shanti

Dear Friend, Om shanti.  Om shanti.  Om shanti.  Why do we say Om Shanti 3 times? The first time is with the awareness of, who am I? I am a peaceful ...

Spiritual Fortune

Spiritual Fortune

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  While speaking, Dadi remains silent and quiet internally. If while listening, you remain silent and quiet, you will receive power. ...

In silence we can see reality

In silence we can see reality

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  It is now time for us to go into the state of silence and to experience the power of silence. As we learn to stay in silence, we find ...

Glimpse a future of universal peace

Glimpse a future of universal peace

Dear Friends, At the new year, we pause and notice the passing of time as we move from the old year to the new one.  Know that every moment, every hour is important. ...

Powerful thoughts hold power

Powerful thoughts hold power

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  What is the difference between wasteful thoughts and powerful thoughts? Wasteful thoughts make us lose power. Unwanted thoughts are ...

Become a still point and go deep

Become a still point and go deep

Dear friend, Om shanti.  This world is like a quagmire of vices. We have to make sure that not only we don’t start drowning in it and that others don’t ...

Concern to serve humanity

Concern to serve humanity

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  If my main concern is to serve humanity rather than to make money or become well known, I will never become tired. If I say something ...

Change this habit of hurry and worry

Change this habit of hurry and worry

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  Why do we become tired? It’s because we remain body conscious. When we stay in a state of soul consciousness, we can take love ...

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Words for the World - Detachment

Dadi Janki shows how to be free from attachment and desires.

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