Let our faces give a message of happiness

Let our faces give a message of happiness

Dear friends, Om shanti. Remember that whatever you do will be seen and followed by many. If you perform elevated actions then others will be inspired and they too ...

The enemy of happiness is wasteful thoughts

The enemy of happiness is wasteful thoughts

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.Do you believe it is possible to feel happy and fulfilled
constantly? It is possible, but it requires that you pay attention.The

Keeping my mind with God

Keeping my mind with God

Dear friends, Om Shanti. God, in His mercy, pulls our minds towards Himself, saying ‘keep your mind with Me’. This is a subtle method to keep the mind ...

Removing other people's sorrow

Removing other people's sorrow

Dear friends, Om shanti. We should all consider it our duty to help in removing other people’s sorrow, even though we don’t always know the particular ...

Experience true freedom.

Experience true freedom.

Dear friends,
Om shanti.  Some of you have asked about liberation.  Liberation is something you receive as an inheritance through your spiritual ...

Keeping our intellects in the unlimited

Keeping our intellects in the unlimited

Dear friends, Om shanti.  You are my friends from around the world.   There are a few souls whose intellect remains unlimited and so they are able to draw ...

Connection, communication and relationship

Connection, communication and relationship

Dear Friends,
Om shanti and greetings of peace from Shantivan – the Forest of Peace.  As I continue my reflections for the New Year, three words especially ...

Instruments for our own transformation.

Instruments for our own transformation.

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  Each of us has to think about how we can be good instruments for our own transformation. To think about the transformation of ...

Develop Mastery in Creating Pure Elevated Thoughts

Develop Mastery in Creating Pure Elevated Thoughts

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  This is the time to develop an elevated awareness of being a soul living in a body.  What is the relationship between what ...

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