Create an atmosphere

Create an atmosphere

Dear Friends, Om shanti. Wherever we are, we have to create an atmosphere that spreads in the world.  Merge everything that happened in the past – even ...

Give good feelings

Give good feelings

Dear friends, Om shanti. We have to create such a stage that we can face and easily pass through all circumstances. Situations will come. It ...

To understand leadership

To understand leadership

Dear friends, Om shanti. There are certain things that can only be learned by being in spiritual company.  They cannot be taught.  For example, what does ...

Keep your heart clear

Keep your heart clear

Dear friends, Om shanti. It is only when we become detached, that we become instruments to serve others. For this, we must keep our hearts clear. Don’t ...

Step inside the cave of introversion

Step inside the cave of introversion

Dear Friend,
Om shanti.  This morning I am feeling the spiritual intoxication that
comes when I remember whose child I am and pay attention to the ...

Receive light and give light to others

Receive light and give light to others

Dear friends, Om shanti. Many in the world have lost their sense of inner peace and their sense of direction. Your own practice of self-realization and the remembrance ...

Have Patience

Have Patience

Dear friends, Om shanti. Many times you will have heard me say: ‘Have patience”. Why? Because the fruit of patience is sweetness. If we sow a seed and ...

Kindness is essential to our humanity

Kindness is essential to our humanity

Dear Friend,
Om shanti. My experience with most of my friends around the world is that you do have a kind nature. The notion of kindness is living in the word ...

To serve through the mind means to serve your own mind first and others later.

To serve through the mind means to serve your own mind first and others later.

Dear Friend,
Om shanti and greetings of love from India.   I know that you have a
deep love of serving others.  And many times we have talked ...

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