God's company

Dear friends, Om shanti. Om shanti. Om shanti. I am a soul, and the Supreme Soul is mine. This is what is important: who am I and who is mine. Keep your intellect ...
Dear friends, Om shanti. Om shanti. Om shanti. I am a soul, and the Supreme Soul is mine. This is what is important: who am I and who is mine. Keep your intellect ...
Dear friends, Om Shanti. This means “I am peace”. I should never say, “my mind was not peaceful at that time”. Even by mistake there should ...
Dear friends, Om Shanti. When someone has true love for the one Father, they receive infinite happiness. When I speak of unlimited happiness, that includes peace, ...
Dear friends, Om Shanti. We can have realization of our true spiritual nature and our spiritual inheritance in a second. But to transform ourselves into those spiritually ...
Dear friends, Om Shanti. It’s one thing to sit in meditation, what some call yoga. But if we are going to transform our lives, we can’t only have yoga ...
Dear friends, Om Shanti. I’ll share a secret of how to become joyful-- beyond the joy you get from the senses. I become conscious of myself as a soul and make ...
Dear friends, Om Shanti. There is no nourishment like happiness. Happiness is nourishment. Worry is a type of illness and makes you into a patient. So, add “a” ...
Dear friends, Om Shanti. I’ll tell you a spiritual secret: to bring about a new golden age of truth, we need five virtues - purity, truth, patience, humility ...
Dear friends, Om Shanti. With the power of concentration, I transform my intellect. Don’t talk much; rather concentrate on remembrance. Remember who you really ...