The inner state of lightness

Dear friends, Om shanti. When the heart is honest, and the mind is cool, then the vision is filled with great happiness. Then you can use your heart, mind and vision ...
Dear friends, Om shanti. When the heart is honest, and the mind is cool, then the vision is filled with great happiness. Then you can use your heart, mind and vision ...
Dear friends, Om shanti. At this time, we need to have the power of love. For us to attain this power, we must have an honest heart. There should be only pure thoughts ...
Dear friends, Om shanti. When I say “om shanti” to you, it is a kind of blessing – a reminder that your essential nature is peaceful. We receive ...
Dear friends, Om shanti. Keep your heart clean and filled with love and an awareness of truth -- that which is eternal. When you have truth and love inside you, ...
Dear friends, Om shanti. Om shanti. Om shanti. People talk about many things when they speak of spirituality, but the essence of spiritual knowledge is to ...
Dear friends, Om shanti. Never compare yourself to anyone else. All souls have their own parts to play. No two souls can have the same part. Learn how to quietly ...
Dear friends, Om shanti. When you choose to live a spiritual life, inner cleanliness and simplicity enter your intellect. There is no waste of money or of time. ...
Dear friends, Om shanti. This is the time to pay attention to the self. Don’t allow your intellect to become absorbed in wasteful things. And don’t think ...
Dear friends, Om shanti. Those on a spiritual path speak about light. There are two meanings of light. One is to remain light inside and another is about being physically ...