Take one step of courage, and God will help you

Dear friends,
Om shanti. Never become disheartened; never lose faith in yourself. When you realise something needs to change in you, then transformation ...
Dear friends,
Om shanti. Never become disheartened; never lose faith in yourself. When you realise something needs to change in you, then transformation ...
Dear Friends,
Om shanti. When I sit in true remembrance of God, the vibrations become very powerful and beautiful. He is the One above who purifies ...
Dear Friends,
Om shanti. Think of how much the world has changed in the past 100 years. Look around and you will see that everyone is stuck. Everyone ...
Dear Friends,
Om shanti. When you are soul conscious, what types of thoughts will you have? When one considers the self as a soul, one starts to think ...
Dear Friends,
Om shanti. We talk a lot about humanity. It’s necessary for humanity – human beings – to have humility. How wonderful ...
Dear Friends,
Om shanti. Before I was aware of myself as a soul, there were always questions inside: I don’t know myself, I don’t understand ...
Dear Friends,
Om shanti. When you work with peace and love, then whatever work you do will be successful. Don’t ask ‘how’ ...
Dear Friends,
Om shanti. When you are not feeling good, life becomes a very long and complicated affair. I send you these notes to share my experience ...
Dear Friends,
Om shanti. Feeling great is a wonderful feeling. If you’re not feeling good inside, you feel like you do when you’re getting ...