See everyone as good.

Dear friends,
Om shanti. This is the confluence age, an age when things happen suddenly and a time when we create our fortune for the future. So ...
Dear friends,
Om shanti. This is the confluence age, an age when things happen suddenly and a time when we create our fortune for the future. So ...
Dear Friends,
Om shanti. At this time it is essential to use time in a beneficial way. There is a great deal of value within this time. Pay attention to the ...
Dear Friends, Om shanti. Those who are wise will recognize that there is a great deal of value within this time. Whatever has to be done, do it now. Who has seen ...
Dear Friends, The Brahma Kumaris understand this to be a time for personal and world transformation. We believe this happens as each one remembers the ONE above, ...
Dear Friends, Om shanti. At this time it is essential to use time in a beneficial way. There is a great deal of value within this time. Pay ...
Dear Friends,
Om shanti. I want to share a secret with you: we are living in an unlimited drama and we are the actors, each playing our own part. Realize ...
Dear Friends.
Om shanti. Now is the time to create and conserve energy. When the mind is quiet and in silence, the soul can be free from any type of ...
Dear Friends, Om shanti. This is the time to finish old things of the past. Realize they no longer belong to you. Those who think about the ...
Dear friends, Om shanti. The experience of silence is good. Find the opportunity to go into silence, and in between your times in silence have a spiritual ...