Naturally remain light

Dear friends, Om shanti. Sometimes when we come together I see that your work is making you feel heavy. Don’t allow this to happen. Don’t allow ...
Dear friends, Om shanti. Sometimes when we come together I see that your work is making you feel heavy. Don’t allow this to happen. Don’t allow ...
Dear friends, Om shanti…om shanti…om shanti. When you are with me, you join me in saying om shanti three times. I do this to bring to our ...
Dear friends, Om shanti. One of the important things that happens in spiritual gatherings is the creation of a powerful atmosphere. This happens even ...
Dear friends, Om shanti. There are two words that sound similar in Hindi, and they capture something important about the way we provide spiritual support for each ...
Dear friends, Om shanti. When we are together, many of you comment on the atmosphere that has been created. It has purity and serenity. How do ...
Dear friends, Om shanti. It is the feeling of friendship that makes people happy. When we’re alone, we can become afraid. But if we have no animosity, ...
Dear Friends, Om shanti. I always stay content and I hope that you too are remaining content. In the world outside, no one feels they belong to anyone. ...
Accumulate energy.
Dear friends,
Om shanti. There is power, there is energy and there is strength.
Sometimes people ask me where I get my energy from. ...
Dear friends, Om shanti. You are my special friends because of the good in your hearts and the good you are trying to do in the world. At this time God ...