Secrets of self-progress

Dear friends, Om shanti. There are two secrets to self-progress. One is to understand the soul and the other is to understand God. When I understand that I am a ...
Dear friends, Om shanti. There are two secrets to self-progress. One is to understand the soul and the other is to understand God. When I understand that I am a ...
Dear Friends, Om shanti. I know that recently when some of you were together, you spoke of karma yoga. This is an aspect of karma philosophy. One ...
Dear Friends, Om shanti. You are learning to have mastery over your thoughts and feelings so you can bring benefit to the world. This is not the time ...
Dear Friends, Om shanti. There is a subtle method for taking help from the Father. When we maintain a clean heart and a courageous heart, we naturally receive ...
Dear Friends, Om shanti. This is a period when we are receiving sustenance and touchings from God about what we must be and what we must do. Keep God in front ...
Dear Friends, Om shanti. This time is such that we have to move into a state of soul conscious awareness inside ourselves. We have to remain soul conscious ...
Dear friends, Om shanti. You very special souls should feel that God is my companion, and with God’s company I can experience myself to be an observer ...
Dear Friends, Om shanti. There are three things that have a very powerful influence on your life: As is the food, so is the mind As is the company, so is the colour As ...
Dear friends,
Om shanti. Some of you have asked about liberation. Liberation is something you receive as an inheritance through your spiritual ...