Turn your mind to the benefit you can bring

Dear friend, Om shanti. Some of my good friends work in the world of business and want to know how to make the experience of working in business more spiritual ...
Dear friend, Om shanti. Some of my good friends work in the world of business and want to know how to make the experience of working in business more spiritual ...
Dear friends, Om shanti. There are five things that will help you on your spiritual journey. First, have complete purity in your life – pure diet, pure ...
Dear friends, Om shanti. The atmosphere when we’re together is such that no one has ordinary thoughts. Whatever is the quality of the atmosphere we create, so ...
Dear friends, Om shanti. There are certain things that can only be learned by being in spiritual company. They cannot be taught. For example, what does ...
Dear friends, Om shanti. Because you are those who want to serve, you sometimes have questions about purpose in life. My purpose in life is to think good thoughts. ...
Dear friends, Om shanti. Some of you have asked about how to be calm in spite of feeling the pressure of time. It’s very beneficial to be in a ...
Dear friends, Om shanti. If you have a scary situation in front of you, do not let it frighten you. Always maintain a vision of love no matter what happens. When ...
Dear friends,
Om shanti. When catastrophes happen, don’t become afraid & anxious. At such a time give courage to one another. Have the ...
Dear Friends, Om shanti. Do you feel that the time of transformation has arrived? Let your life become a life of values, and it will be a useful ...