Nature needs our love at this time

Dear Friend,
Om shanti. We see that nature needs our love at this time. Nature needs good vibrations. Nature gives us so much pleasure, that ...
Dear Friend,
Om shanti. We see that nature needs our love at this time. Nature needs good vibrations. Nature gives us so much pleasure, that ...
Dear Friend.
Om shanti. When we are together, we talk about wanting to create a better world. The secret of this time is that a better world is ...
Dear Friend,
Om shanti. What we see in the world, is not so much about the world as it is about our own level of consciousness. It is our vision ...
Dear Friend,
Om shanti. At this time we need to imbibe values. But to do this, you need power. Sometimes we talk about the eight powers, but ...
Dear Friend,
Om shanti. Sometimes one of my friends will come to me because someone is doing something wrong and they want me to go and make it right. ...
Dear Friend,
Om shanti. We live in fragile times. Things happen suddenly – natural calamities, for example, or outbreaks of war. So ...
Dear Friends,
Om shanti. Greetings of peace. Everyone says they want peace, but we have forgotten that peace is our original religion. In ...
Dear Friends,
Om shanti. How can we stand on top of the world and serve the world? To do this we have to understand the subtle role of the conscience. ...
Dear Friends,
Om shanti. The world is a jungle of ideas. Don’t get lost in this jungle. Time is asking us to listen. God is asking ...