Season to serve the world

Dear friends,
Om shanti. Warmest wishes for peace and happiness in the New Year. Now, more than ever, we must remember that our peace and happiness ...
Dear friends,
Om shanti. Warmest wishes for peace and happiness in the New Year. Now, more than ever, we must remember that our peace and happiness ...
Dear Friends,
Om shanti. I know that sometimes you become absorbed in seeing the mistakes of those around you. It is a weakness to look at anyone ...
Dear Friend,
Om shanti. There is a deep connection between peace and love. When I become soul conscious, I experience peace, and then the type of love ...
Dear Friends,
Om shanti. Our ability to go deeply into silence brings us many benefits. It is when the soul is in dead silence that it is able to go beyond ...
Dear Friends,
Om shanti. One of the things that happens as we learn to go into silence in meditation is that we learn to hear our inner voice. This ...
Dear Friends,
Om shanti. We are servers. Do a lot of service, and you will receive a lot of love. When you perform acts of charity, don’t ...
Dear Friends,
Om shanti. My wish for each of you is that you learn to become altruistic – to serve at such an elevated level that you have total ...
Dear Friend,
Om shanti. Some get a great deal of service done by their easiness and lightness. They interact easily and bring others together to work. ...
Dear Friends,
Om shanti. Once, when I was in Barcelona, someone said to me, “you say that God speaks to you and that you speak to God. What must ...