Happiness makes us strong and stable

Dear friends, Om shanti. There is no nourishment like the nourishment of happiness. There is no illness like the illness of worry. Happiness makes us strong and ...
Dear friends, Om shanti. There is no nourishment like the nourishment of happiness. There is no illness like the illness of worry. Happiness makes us strong and ...
Dear Friends, Om shanti. To find peace, go into silence. It is very valuable to sit in silence for at least one hour out of each 24 hours. Silence means ...
Dear Friends, Om shanti. I am remembering each of you at the New Year. My wish for you is to just stay happy. Do not let anything ...
Dear friends,
Om shanti. When we are in the world, we feel the pulls of the world. However, this is a time in which we have to be ever-ready as ...
Dear friends, Om shanti. Now is not the time to think about how others should change. Even Dadi doesn't think about the transformation of others. Ask yourself, ...
Dear friends, Om shanti. Many ask me how I create energy for my life, especially now, when I must be very careful about how I use energy. It is ...
Dear friends, Om shanti. Everyone has to pay attention to their inner stage. No matter what external situation comes, there should not be any change ...
Dear friends, Om shanti. Don’t allow obstacles to discourage you. It is inevitable that there will be obstacles. Some create obstacles; some ...
Dear friends, Om shanti. To be spiritually aware is very practical. One who is spiritual is accurate and does things on time. They stay quiet and peaceful ...