There is no time like the present

Dear Friends,
Om shanti. There is no time like the present. Whatever it is we have
to do, we have to do it NOW. There are many things going on
externally ...
Dear Friends,
Om shanti. There is no time like the present. Whatever it is we have
to do, we have to do it NOW. There are many things going on
externally ...
Dear Friend,
Om shanti. In the same way that we must fill the body, we must fill the
mind with spiritual knowledge. Then we must reflect, ...
Dear Friend,
Om shanti. This morning I am feeling the spiritual intoxication that
comes when I remember whose child I am and pay attention to the ...
Dear Friend,
Om shanti. Think these are the final moments of this era. This is a
unique time when you can attain virtues and spiritual power. I request ...
Dear Friend,
Om shanti.Once we understand the universal principles of karma, we know
how important our every thought and word is.Remember that we will ...
Dear Friend,
Om shanti. I want you to understand that you can choose to live in a garden – no matter what is happening outside. You can learn ...
Dear Friend,
Om shanti. I want to share with you a very big secret: the secret of how to experience God’s love. This is the highest stage ...
Dear Friends,
Om shanti. Today I am remembering each of you and the very special parts
you play in the world at this time. Do you feel the specialty of ...
Dear Friend,
Om shanti. I have always wanted to open an account in order to measure how much happiness I have. In the world people give many reasons for ...