Keeping our inner sanctuary peaceful

Dear Friends,
Om shanti. People need peace. Sitting in silence is not the same as sitting in peace. Peace will only come to me from going ...
Dear Friends,
Om shanti. People need peace. Sitting in silence is not the same as sitting in peace. Peace will only come to me from going ...
Dear Friend,
The inspiration to serve emerges when a soul has 3 qualities - mercy, compassion and true love.
At this time everyone needs to feel love. ...
Dear Friends,
Om shanti and greetings of peace from Shantivan – the Forest of Peace. As I continue my reflections for the New Year, three words especially ...
Dear Friends,
Om shanti and greetings of love and peace. This is an auspicious age, an age when we have the special opportunity to change ourselves and ...
Dear friends:
Now is the time for everyone to experience, through our features, what the future of the world could be. We don’t just have to give a ...
Dear Friend,
Om shanti. We have to stay in the world, but it is essential to remain free from anger, ego and attachment. If you get involved in serving ...
Dear Friend,
Om shanti. The task of this time is not to leave the world in order to be close to God. We have to stay in the family and yet do our ...
Dear Friend,
Om Shanti. Is it that by receiving God's love we can remain peaceful? Or is it that by remaining peaceful, we can receive God's love? A parent ...
Dear Friend,
Om Shanti. What I want most for you is that you can experience God’s love. For this you must have a true heart, without blockages, ...