In this world of darkness, there needs to be light.

In this world of darkness, there needs to be light.

Dear friend,
Om shanti.  All of you are my brothers and sisters. It is time for all of us to come together and work on God’s plan to change the world.

To return to our original state of peace, we need power

To return to our original state of peace, we need power

Dear Friend,
Om shanti. What is the difference between peace and silence? The original religion of the soul is peace, and the task of this time is to take ourselves ...

To serve through the mind means to serve your own mind first and others later.

To serve through the mind means to serve your own mind first and others later.

Dear Friend,
Om shanti and greetings of love from India.   I know that you have a
deep love of serving others.  And many times we have talked ...

The path to contentment is the path of introversion.

The path to contentment is the path of introversion.

Dear Friend,
Om shanti.  Most of the world encourages you to be extroverted, but the path to contentment is the path of introversion. Become quiet, still ...

Remember all that should be remembered and forget all that should be forgotten

Remember all that should be remembered and forget all that should be forgotten

Dear Friend,
Om shanti. Because you are my friend, and because what you say and do
influences many, I want you to understand that this is a very important ...

Serve others by helping them to smile

Serve others by helping them to smile

Dear Friend,
Om shanti. One of the ways you can serve others is to help them to smile, but this is not as easy as it may sound. Some have such a character that ...

The real, imperishable beauty of this time.

The real, imperishable beauty of this time.

Dear Friend,
Om shanti.  There is something very special about this time.  It is a time when we can learn to develop the awareness of soul-consciousness.

How do we create high quality thoughts?

How do we create high quality thoughts?

Dear friend,
When we have been together in the past, you have sometimes asked me to talk with you about spiritual power. Spiritual power is what allows us to ...

What really is spirituality?

What really is spirituality?

Dear friend,
Om shanti.  Many talk about spirituality, but what really is
spirituality?  The energy of spirituality is an energy that works for

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Words for the World - Love

Dadi Janki advises not to weave stories of sorrow, but share stories of happiness.

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