Be detached and loving to God

Dear friends,

Om Shanti. God speaks of three things; truth, cleanliness and simplicity. Let there be truth and love in your life. Let your heart be totally clean. Keep your environment clean on a practical level. Be simple.

My heart says that all of us should now remain in silence. When we sit in sweet silence, we can experience everything to be easy. Everyone feels good while remaining in silence.

Never think that anything that comes in front of you is difficult to deal with. Everything is easy. Keep smiling. Don’t allow yourself to get upset. Never say, “I don’t like this”. One who is content is happy. One who is happy is content. Nothing is difficult when we keep our awareness with God. Simply remain detached from everyone and merged in God’s love. When you are detached you will feel good. Remember this: Be detached and loving to God.

With love,
BK Janki


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Words for the World - Silence

Spiritual teacher Dadi Janki reveals how going into deep silence brings about the experience of true peace and happiness.

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