Instruments for our own transformation.

Dear Friends,

Om shanti.  Each of us has to think about how we can be good instruments for our own transformation. To think about the transformation of others is a waste of time. Remember: “When I change, the world changes.” Transformation comes from keeping God’s company. He is not just the Supreme Soul; He is my Father, my Teacher, my True Guide and my Friend. Keeping His company brings transformation in the self. I must not waste my time in getting caught up in concerns about the body, other people or anything of the world. I have to pay attention to yoga, and then I will receive strength. Yoga is simple: “I am a soul, a child of the Supreme Soul.”  The power that I am receiving is bringing transformation within. Seeing my transformation, others will have love for me. This has been my experience. People like those who speak sweetly and who are honest. There are four things that are important in life: don’t steal  -- even a penny, don’t lie, don’t cheat, don’t defame anyone. Even if someone complains about or defames you, don’t do the same to them. I must not defame anyone. Rather, let me learn from what they say. Let me be free from any kind of tension and pay attention.

If something is understood, it is understood in a second. If it takes time and there are many questions, then it means it hasn’t been understood. So understand what I am sharing with you and practice it and you will move forward. Others will then see you and will understand in a second what they have to do. We have received a very clear path and we have an image of that path in our minds. I have to simply walk on the path and show the path to others. If we all do this then the darkness of ignorance that is now in the world will be dispelled.

With love,
BK Janki


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Words for the World - God

Dadi Janki reveals how she is a practical example of all that she has studied.

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