Intention to be in silence

Dear Friends,

Om shanti.  Silence is the original and natural condition of the soul.  In silence, we don’t need a rosary, and we don’t need to chant.  We just need to turn inwards and remember that peace and silence are the original state of the soul.

Usually when we become involved in activities, we have many thoughts.   But when we have the intention to be in silence, then the mind seeks peace.  The heart seeks love.  The intellect seeks to understand.  And the conscience reminds us of what is right and what is wrong.  When my mind is at peace, my heart is filled with love, my intellect is creating good thoughts, and I am engaged in charitable actions, then my life becomes filled with values, and no matter how much negativity there is in the world around me, I will not be influenced by it.

With love,
Bk Janki


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Words for the World - Silence

Spiritual teacher Dadi Janki reveals how going into deep silence brings about the experience of true peace and happiness.

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