Let my presence do service

Dear Friends,

Om shanti. My life should not be complicated. I must not be complicated

for anyone else, nor should they be complicated for me.  It should be

easy for others to understand me and to understand God.  If my life

becomes complicated, how will they experience God in my presence?


Also, I should be able to adjust to anything at any time.  I should have

no questions, but just be happy and content.  My thoughts, words, and

actions are only for service.  My thoughts should be appropriate; my

words should be useful.  My actions should be easy.


Let me make my life clean so that it is like a mirror in which others

can see easily.  Then it will be easy for others to connect with me.

Let me not be such that others have to mould themselves according to my

nature.  That’s not right.  Let me not give any difficulty to anyone.  Let

my presence do service to all around me.


With love,

BK Janki


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