Go into the depths of Silence

Dear friends, Om shanti. There is no need to speak much now. Whenever possible, take the opportunity to go into the depths of silence, into the depths of yourself. ...
Dear friends, Om shanti. There is no need to speak much now. Whenever possible, take the opportunity to go into the depths of silence, into the depths of yourself. ...
Dear friend,
Om shanti.
Barriers are things that stop you in your spiritual
progress. Sometimes you experience something to be a barrier, ...
Dear friend,
Om shanti.
Some of you continue to carry burdens even though it is not necessary. My wish for you is that you have no burden. Have ...
Dear friend, Om shanti. Now is the time for us to experience freedom, but you may find that some kind of bondage is limiting your freedom. We experience being ...
Dear friend, Om shanti. Some of you tell me that you experience some kind of blockage in your heart --- something that prevents you from experiencing God’s ...
Dear Friends, Om shanti. Someone asked Dadi about the contrast between extroversion and introversion. There is great wonder of silence, but one needs introversion ...
Dear Friends, Om shanti. When one has a clean heart then effort is made from the heart rather than effort for show. I have to maintain ...
Dear Friends, Om shanti. There are two powers that are very important on a spiritual journey: The power to pack up and the power to ...
Dear Friends, Om shanti. My life should not be complicated. I must not be complicated for anyone else, nor should they be complicated for me. It should be easy ...