My plan, the drama plan and God’s plan

Dear Friends, Om shanti. There are three plans: my plan, the drama plan and God’s plan. We do what the drama of life presents to us. We play our ...
Dear Friends, Om shanti. There are three plans: my plan, the drama plan and God’s plan. We do what the drama of life presents to us. We play our ...
Dear Friends, Om shanti. Let me have a vision of appreciation for what each one does. This gives happiness to other souls. There is value in appreciation. The ...
Dear Friends Om shanti. Karma (action) leaves imprints inside me. Let me transform those imprints. Between my karma and my relationships, I need ...
Dear Friends, Om shanti. We don’t need to worry about the world. The world does not need our sorrow. Old things from the old world are imprinted ...
Dear Friends, Om shanti. Create an atmosphere of silence and spirituality in your life. Let this silence surround you even when you are in action and in relationship ...
Dear Friends,
Om shanti. Each of us has to think about how we can be good instruments for our own transformation. To think about the transformation of ...
Dear Friends, Om shanti. The main task of each of us is to pay attention to performing good actions. Do this and you will be filled with power. If someone ...
Dear Friends, Om shanti. If you really want to know how to live a good life, Dadi can share that secret with you. It is not a matter of wearing a good suit ...
Dear Friends,
Om shanti. Speak sweetly to whomever comes in front of you. Don’t see
anyone’s mistakes. Make sure your ...