Turn your mind to the benefit you can bring

Dear friend,

Om shanti.  Some of my good friends work in the world of business and want to know how to make the experience of working in business more spiritual so that it can bring benefit to the world. God tells us to turn our minds to Him.  You can remember this expression while engaged in business too.  Don’t have your mind attuned to wealth. Instead turn your mind to the benefit you can bring and to the Benefactor. When you maintain this awareness, then the quality of your actions will be such that you will be able to serve others automatically.  You will be amazed.  Then wherever you set foot you will serve.  This helps you become free from attachments and from ego.  Check this and change it in yourselves, and you will be an inspiration for others.

With love,

BK Janki


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Words for the World - Pure Feelings

Dadi Janki explains how to create pure feelings through the practice of silence.

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