Understand, realize, practice and company

Dear friends,

Om shanti.  There are 4 things that will help you in your spiritual progress:  (1) understand, (2) realize, (3) practice, and (4) company.  First you understand spiritual knowledge.  Then you have the deep understanding of that.  You practice these spiritual understandings in your daily life, making them a part of your thoughts, feelings, and actions.  By keeping good company, these practices become a way of life.

Don’t ask “how?”  This is how -- doing these 4 things.  Do this now and Dadi will offer you a guarantee that you will make spiritual progress.  Dadi doesn’t give blessings.  I give good wishes.  These good wishes help you to do good actions, and your good actions draw God’s blessings.

With love,
BK Janki


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Words for the World - Silence

Spiritual teacher Dadi Janki reveals how going into deep silence brings about the experience of true peace and happiness.

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