Be truly happy

Dear Friends,

Om shanti.  Some people don’t understand that to be truly spiritual is to be sensible.  A sign of a sensible soul is to finish ego and attachment.  Ego and attachment are very dangerous.  When you become free from these, you will be truly happy, and you will be able to dance.

When we receive something good, we want to share it with others. If there is ego and attachment, then no matter what I am doing, I won’t experience happiness. If there is jealousy, I won’t want others to be happy, and I won’t be able to help those who are unhappy.

What is the point of having jealousy? I just have to perform the right actions to receive the return of those actions. If someone is jealous of me, I would be happy to offer them whatever I have that they are jealous of.

Perform good actions, and when others see you performing these good actions, they will be inspired to do the same.
With love,
BK Janki


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