Give good feelings

Dear friends,

Om shanti. We have to create such a stage that we can face and easily pass through all circumstances. Situations will come. It is the job of the situation to come. Our job is to create a stage through which we can deal with the situation easily. My stage should be such that when people come in front of me, I can give them good feelings. The secret for this is to learn to see everyone’s specialties. This is Dadi’s practice. This is our duty. If you ask me about someone’s weakness, I won’t speak of it.  I am not looking at that. Why? Because if I focus on the weaknesses of others, I myself become weak, and my own weaknesses will be visible.  

Learn how to have spiritual chit chat with a great deal of love. This is the kind of meeting that has made us friends, and it gives Dadi a great deal of pleasure. The lovely meeting with one another should never become dry.  And then your meetings with others will also be filled with love and bring them a great deal of pleasure. 


With love,

BK Janki


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Dadi Janki explains how the practice of remaining courageous and fearless inside brings strength in difficult situations.

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