Peace doesn’t come without love

Dear friends,

Om shanti. What is peace like? Within the soul there is truthfulness and love. By recognizing the self as a soul that sits in the center of the forehead, we “see”.  When we look at each other, whom do we see?  It is an exchange between souls.  When we look at each other in this way, we create an atmosphere of peace.  Actions we perform with peace and love accumulate the power of happiness. Peace doesn’t come without love.

I breathe peacefully and in this way I accumulate energy. Waste thoughts destroy and consume our energy. Negative thoughts make us wander about. I suggest that you notice the huge difference between negative and positive thinking. Negative thoughts become our enemies, and positive thoughts are our friends.

We all have the deep desire to achieve peace of mind. Once peace arises in the mind, then the heart is full of gratitude to the Supreme Being because he has given us peace. It doesn’t matter that you are from different countries; just remember that we all come from the Land of Peace and all have the same deep religious principles: peace, truthfulness and love. We want all the sorrows of the world to be finished. When peace of mind comes to the souls of the world, such will be the condition of the whole world.

With love, 

BK Janki


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