To serve through the mind means to serve your own mind first and others later.
Dear Friend,

Om shanti and greetings of love from India.   I know that you have a
deep love of serving others.  And many times we have talked about how to serve others through the mind.  But it is important to remember that to serve through the mind means to serve your own mind first and others later.

You cannot be subservient to your mind.  The mind must support you and stay under your control.  Ask your heart,  “is my mind thinking in such a way as to serve those around me? Or is the heart only filled with desires and attachments?”  There should be a stock of good wishes in the
mind and pure feelings in the heart.   The thoughts in the mind create
feelings.  When feelings are not right, then the heart is locked and you can’t experience bliss from God.  And then, of course, you cannot serve others.

Keep your thoughts and feelings pure.  Serve yourself and you will find you are transforming the atmosphere around you and serving others as well.

With love,

BK Janki

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Words for the World - Pure Feelings

Dadi Janki explains how to create pure feelings through the practice of silence.

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