How do we create high quality thoughts?
Dear friend,

When we have been together in the past, you have sometimes asked me to talk with you about spiritual power. Spiritual power is what allows us to create powerful thoughts and to share them with others. When we maintain high quality thoughts inside, our weaknesses run away. Those with spiritual power can create these thoughts even when the atmosphere and the circumstances outside are negative.

What allows for this? When the world is filled with negativity, how do we create high quality thoughts? We connect with the Supreme and take the power of silence from Him. If we are not able to connect with the Supreme then we cannot receive the great power that is available. It is through this that we can finish our negativity. However, if the soul still allows even a little negativity to emerge, then it again will get trapped in that. Remember: past is past. It has happened. We have to put a full stop, learn from our mistakes, and move forward! Don’t continue to lose by bringing the past into the present. Finish it now and benefit yourself.

With love,

BK Janki

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Words for the World - God

Dadi Janki reveals how she is a practical example of all that she has studied.

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