Go inside and realize who we are

Dear Friends,

Om shanti.  We are used to being distracted by external things -- by what we hear and what we see. Why do we learn mediation? To learn to go inside and realise who we are.
When I know who I am, I experience peace. When I know who I belong to and connect to that One, I experience power. When I connect to external things, then I become weak. But when I have the awareness of belonging to God, I experience power immediately. When I know who I am and I experience God, it becomes easy to know what I have to do.  Go inside, realize that you are a soul, and that your original nature is peace.  Experience God's love and power and you will be filled with inner peace and the power to serve.

With love,

BK Janki


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Words for the World - Detachment

Dadi Janki shows how to be free from attachment and desires.

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