
Making my thoughts peaceful and stable with meditation


Knowing more about ourselves and our world


Encouraging people to re-energise their values


Getting inspired and creative with spiritual ideas

Spotlight Values

Spotlight Values project, designed by young people for young people, inspires exploration and deeper understanding of our inner values. We take a look at the intrinsic qualities that make us shine. By becoming more aware of our values and consciously practising them, personal change becomes possible and we begin to live differently. We want to help our peers plug into their innate greatness, so that together we can provide a current of love, hope and compassion for our world. This project was dedicated to the UN International Year of Youth 2012.

Positive Action

Pick a quality from the Virtual Virtue Wheel

  • Click on link to spin the wheel of virtues.
  • What are my first thoughts about this virtue?
  • What do I feel when I ponder on this virtue?
  • How could I use this virtue, when I wake up and begin my day?
  • How can I use it during the day in the way I act and interact with others?



National values-based programmes

Costa Rica

Workshops: How to Discover Our Inner Greatness: Steps to achieving my potential, The Art of Being Happy, Being the Hero of One's Own Lif


‘Om Café' exploring topics such as Appreciating the Self, Respecting Others, True Love and Acceptance


Workshops: Exploring the Virtue of Tolerance & Sense of Purpose: The consciousness of having a high task in life


Om Café Spotlight Values workshops: Peace & Love


Madhavi Patale, Gal Zeidman, and Dylan Murarka represented Brahma Kumaris, at the United Nations International Day of Youth 2014, held at the UN Headquarters, New York. The theme of the day was Youth and Mental Health, under the slogan 'Mental Health Matters'.


Workshop: The Power Within

Quest To Be Your Best

  • Knowing the importance of awareness in our lives.
  • What do we mean by excellence?
  • Becoming the best we can be on the basis of self-respect.
  • More information available at


Ignite your Inner Flame - an inspiration for daily living

Accept the Past, Live in the Present and Create a New Future

Awakening the Art of Intuition - simple steps to discover the magic within.

The Profile of a Hero - how to create your reality

Feeling Great Wherever We Are


A Narrative of Love

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A Narrative of Love is series of conversations with thought leaders, spiritual teachers and practitioners about how they see the significance of love in our personal and public lives. This has been made in preparation for the 5th Spirit of Humanity Forum on the theme of: Towards a Loving World: Leadership and Governance for Wellbeing. The series is hosted by Dr. Scherto Gill.

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Essential Spirituality

Essential Spirituality is a collection of 42 short videos intended to spark deeper reflection on the subtle inner terrain that holds the solutions for many outer maladies.

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Everyday spin the wheel and enjoy the magic - Keep the virtue in your awareness throughout the day and see how it colours your world...

Retreat Centres

Retreat Centres

There are places around the world where Brahma Kumaris offer one day and weekend retreats. Some of the Brahma Kumaris...

Courses we offer

Courses we offer

Seminars, courses and workshops on meditation, personal development are available in countries across the world.

Mindful Kitchen

Mindful Kitchen

Learn the importance of food and the consciousness that is maintained whilst preparing and eating food each day.