
Making my thoughts peaceful and stable with meditation


Knowing more about ourselves and our world


Encouraging people to re-energise their values


Getting inspired and creative with spiritual ideas

Transformational Leadership in Care (TLC) is a working group of social care professionals and members of Brahma Kumaris, UK. Its aim is to enable people working at all levels of health and social care management to connect with their inner values and resources, to lead the way in transforming the quality of health and social care in the UK public, private and voluntary sectors, and inspire and support similar initiatives worldwide.

Since 1998, over 600 social care managers and more than 1,000 social care workers have attended one or more of these or similar events.

Activities include:

  • annual retreats and one day seminars in the beautiful and peaceful surroundings of the Global Retreat Centre at Nuneham Courtney, near Oxford, UK  
  • one-day seminars at Global Co-operation House, the UK National Co-ordinating office of Brahma Kumaris.
  • providing speakers for team development days.

Through a mixture of talks, workshops and other activities, participants have the opportunity to:

  • reflect upon their values
  • renew their sense of purpose
  • enjoy the benefits of meditation
  • develop their inner resources with a view to sustaining and empowering their work and personal lives.

Compassion, Courage and Choice - the way ahead, October 2013

Battered by ever-growing demands for efficiency and austerity, and fuelled by a series of scandals and cover-ups, social and health care provision in the UK is in a state of crisis and confusion. In these circumstances, we can either choose to give in and give up or, with courage and compassion, seize the opportunity to create a system which better meets the needs of both service users and providers.

In October 2013 at the Global Retreat Centre, change makers, senior managers, influencers, policy makers and educators, in statutory, private and voluntary health and social care, participated in this Transformational Leadership in Care seminar. It was specifically designed for leaders and educators in care, who recognise the needs of this defining time in care provision and want to make a difference.

The Authentic Caring Leader - how to be and show the way, October 2014

In these challenging times, how do we rise above the tide of rules, targets and budget restrictions, which threaten to stifle the dignity and humanity of those who live or work in health and social care? How do we overcome the cynicism, fear or mistrust that can spoil working relationships? We need a new style of management based on authenticity.

Authentic caring leaders breathe new life into existing systems and structures, and show there is another way. They lead with vision, passion and a sense of mission and commitment based on the power of their own values and lifestyle. By walking the talk, they create a safe space in which respect, care and creativity can flourish. 

A Narrative of Love

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A Narrative of Love is series of conversations with thought leaders, spiritual teachers and practitioners about how they see the significance of love in our personal and public lives. This has been made in preparation for the 5th Spirit of Humanity Forum on the theme of: Towards a Loving World: Leadership and Governance for Wellbeing. The series is hosted by Dr. Scherto Gill.

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Essential Spirituality

Essential Spirituality is a collection of 42 short videos intended to spark deeper reflection on the subtle inner terrain that holds the solutions for many outer maladies.

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Retreat Centres

Retreat Centres

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