Serving the world always begins with serving the self

Serving the world always begins with serving the self

Dear friends, Om shanti. Become a detached observer of your own self and see if you feel that God is happy with you. If you are thinking of others, then what will ...

Are you smiling?

Are you smiling?

Dear friends, Om shanti, Om Shanti, Om Shanti. Are you smiling? Always keep a smile on your face. One who stays in remembrance of God is able to smile. Such a soul ...

Give Happiness to others

Give Happiness to others

Dear friends, Om shanti. Our time is very valuable. Let every thought and every breath be filled with pure love and happiness. This will bring incredible happiness ...

Make Yourself Free

Make Yourself Free

Dear friends, Om shanti. Now is the time to make yourself free from conflict with anyone. Be free from animosity and free from fear. When you are free from animosity ...

Create the future you want

Create the future you want

Dear friends, Om shanti. One reason for sorrow in the world is that people become entangled with the past. Realize that the past is past. Don’t sit there and ...

Natural Law

Natural Law

Dear friends, Om shanti. It is a natural law that whatever your inner state, others seeing you will become the same. Do you find that to be true – that by ...

Lasting Inner Joy

Lasting Inner Joy

Dear friends, Om shanti. Even though there is a great deal of sorrow in the world, our lives should be filled with happiness, and we should share that happiness ...

Natural nature of goodness

Natural nature of goodness

Dear friends, Om shanti. Your inner awareness should be that you are a spiritual being, a soul, with a natural nature of goodness. This inner awareness can chase ...

Removing other people's sorrow

Removing other people's sorrow

Dear friends, Om shanti. We should all consider it our duty to help in removing other people’s sorrow, even though we don’t always know the particular ...

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Words for the World - Relationships

Brahma Kumaris Spiritual leader Dadi Janki explains how many relationships with God are possible, including God as Mother, Father, friend, teacher, and more.

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