
October 03, 2010

Poori is another kind of Indian bread. It just melts in your mouth. Its unique shape makes this bread even more special.

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  1. 5-6 tablespoon flour
  2. 40-50 millilitres water
  3. Salt (to taste)
  4. Oil for deep frying


  1. In a bowl, put the flour and 1-2tsp oil and make dough by adding the water slowly (tip: dough should be firm).
  2. Add some salt and sprinkle some water and continue kneading the dough.
  3. Once kneaded, cover the dough and leave it for 30-60 minutes.
  4. Form small balls out of the dough
  5. Dip the ball in oil and roll the dough in a rolling board.
  6. Heat the oil in a frying pan.
  7. Once the oil is heated, carefully put the poori in the hot oil and turn it over with a skimmer spoon.
  8. When the poori is puffed out and golden brown colour removes the poori from the oil.
  9. Remove the excess oil and store it in a special container.
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