Baked Beetroots with Honey and Milk

October 03, 2010

If there’s a special occasion and you have almost no time left why don’t you try this recipe of Baked Beetroots with Honey and Milk. It’s a sweet and tasty salad which can be made in a few minutes! And your guests will enjoy its rare and marvellous flavour.

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  1. 2 grated oven baked beetroots
  2. 2 tablespoon sweetened condensed milk
  3. 1 tablespoon honey
  4. 2 tablespoon raisins
  5. 2 tablespoon pine nuts
  6. 2 tablespoon dried apricots


  1. Finely chop baked beetroots
  2. Place beetroots in a bowl
  3. Add honey, condensed milk, honey, raisins, pine nuts and dried apricots
  4. Mix well serve salad cold
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