Never become hopeless or disheartened

Never become hopeless or disheartened

Dear Friends, Om shanti. Never become hopeless or disheartened.This will make you sad.  Realize that you the soul are a child of God and that this is the time  to ...

Happy Heart

Happy Heart

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  This is the time when the world needs our happiness.  There is great sadness and suffering in the world and we are seeing that ...

Create inner transformation

Create inner transformation

Dear friends,
Om shanti.  Often when we have a chance to meet together, we talk about how to change something in ourselves – how to create inner ...

Sustained by God

Sustained by God

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  There is great benefit in simply being present.  What is it to be present?  To be aware of who am I and to see the eternal ...

Connected to God

Connected to God

Dear Friends, 
Om shanti.  When I sit in true remembrance of God, the vibrations become very powerful and beautiful. He is the One above who purifies ...

Awareness of becoming an instrument

Awareness of becoming an instrument

Dear friends, Om shanti.  When we are together, many of you comment on the atmosphere that has been created.  It has purity and serenity.  How do ...

In this world of darkness, there needs to be light.

In this world of darkness, there needs to be light.

Dear friend,
Om shanti.  All of you are my brothers and sisters. It is time for all of us to come together and work on God’s plan to change the world.

So what can I give to you, my friends?

So what can I give to you, my friends?

Dear friends, Om shanti.  So what can I give to you, my friends? I can only give you vibrations of truth and love. Let those vibrations draw you such that Dadi ...

Remember all that should be remembered and forget all that should be forgotten

Remember all that should be remembered and forget all that should be forgotten

Dear Friend,
Om shanti. Because you are my friend, and because what you say and do
influences many, I want you to understand that this is a very important ...

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