When my eyes see virtues

When my eyes see virtues

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.
It is important that you never allow your eyes to fall on someone's defect, because that vision does not allow you to see any ...

Inner lightness

Inner lightness

Dear friend,
Om shanti.   Some of you continue to carry burdens even though it is not necessary. My wish for you is that you have no burden.  Have ...

Stay in the present moment

Stay in the present moment

Dear Friend,
Om shanti.  This is the time to teach yourself to stay in the present
moment and in the awareness of yourself as a soul – the being ...

Attention to performing good actions

Attention to performing good actions

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  The main task of each of us is to pay attention to performing good actions. Do this and you will be filled with power. If someone ...

Quality of interactions

Quality of interactions

Dear friends, Om shanti. There are two words that sound similar in Hindi, and they capture something important about the way we provide spiritual support for each ...

Deep benefit in silence

Deep benefit in silence

Dear Friends, Om shanti. There is power in experiencing silence.  Silence is the  language of the soul. You have the experience of both sweet silence and,  beyond ...

Don't worry -- no problem

Don't worry -- no problem

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  When you work with peace and love, then whatever work you do will be  successful.  Don’t ask ‘how’ ...

What really is spirituality?

What really is spirituality?

Dear friend,
Om shanti.  Many talk about spirituality, but what really is
spirituality?  The energy of spirituality is an energy that works for

So what can I give to you, my friends?

So what can I give to you, my friends?

Dear friends, Om shanti.  So what can I give to you, my friends? I can only give you vibrations of truth and love. Let those vibrations draw you such that Dadi ...

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