Experience dead silence

Experience dead silence

Dear Friends,
Om shanti. Our ability to go deeply into silence brings us many benefits.  It is when the soul is in dead silence that it is able to go beyond ...

So what can I give to you, my friends?

So what can I give to you, my friends?

Dear friends, Om shanti.  So what can I give to you, my friends? I can only give you vibrations of truth and love. Let those vibrations draw you such that Dadi ...

Spiritual Friendships.

Spiritual Friendships.

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  I want to share a secret with you: we are living in an unlimited drama and we are the actors, each playing our own part. Realize ...

Transformation inside

Transformation inside

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  When you are soul conscious, what types of thoughts will you have? When one considers the self as a soul, one starts to think ...

Keeping our inner sanctuary peaceful

Keeping our inner sanctuary peaceful

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  People need peace.  Sitting in silence is not the same as sitting in peace.  Peace will only come to me from going ...

Joy beyond the senses

Joy beyond the senses

Dear friends, Om Shanti. I’ll share a secret of how to become joyful-- beyond the joy you get from the senses. I become conscious of myself as a soul and make ...

Time is very powerful.

Time is very powerful.

Dear friends, Om shanti. You can make your mind peaceful in a second. Just shut the door on peacelessness. If we want to make a change like this – becoming ...

Values on the inside

Values on the inside

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  Spiritual effort is the effort we make on the inside.  If you have patterns of anger inside, you will be hot-headed.  ...

Become a sensible driver

Become a sensible driver

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.To do things quickly brings tiredness and mistakes.  These
days old and young all say, “I am tired.”  I never say ...

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