Take this one blessing from God: I will not take sorrow from anyone

Take this one blessing from God: I will not take sorrow from anyone

Dear friend,
Some have called the world at this time the Land of Sorrow. There are many situations and people that cause sorrow. God has many titles. Two that ...

Don’t become entangled with other

Don’t become entangled with other

Dear friends, Om shanti. Don’t become entangled with others, and don’t allow your stage to fluctuate based on relationships. We make mistakes when we ...

Create the future you want

Create the future you want

Dear friends, Om shanti. One reason for sorrow in the world is that people become entangled with the past. Realize that the past is past. Don’t sit there and ...

Connection to the One

Connection to the One

Dear friends, Om shanti. Why is the condition of the world becoming so bad? Because the souls of the world have become separated from the One, and they don’t ...

Time of transformation

Time of transformation

Dear Friends,
Om shanti  I know you are having the experience of things happening so suddenly, that we don’t know what will happen next.  This ...

Detached and Loving

Detached and Loving

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  It’s time to become detached and loving. When one becomes detached, one automatically becomes loving. Some have the habit of ...

The ONE initiative

The ONE initiative

Dear Friends, The Brahma Kumaris understand this to be a time for personal and world transformation. We believe this happens as each one remembers the ONE above, ...

Become a friend to the self

Become a friend to the self

Dear Friends, Om shanti. Peace comes with the experience of love. Every human soul is either their own enemy or their own friend. Do you know how you can become ...

Just smile

Just smile

Dear friends, Om shanti.  When you look at each other, just smile. Don’t look at anyone’s nature or their old patterns of behavior. Don’t ...

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