Speak sweet words, my friend!

Speak sweet words, my friend!

Dear friends,  Om shanti.  This is the time to create an easy nature filled with truth, humility, purity, patience and maturity. Keep your mind cool – ...

Set your timetable for the day and practice

Set your timetable for the day and practice

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  There is a lot of negativity and waste in the mind, and as long as there is waste in the mind, we cannot have powerful meditation.  ...

God's company

God's company

Dear friends, Om shanti. Om shanti. Om shanti. I am a soul, and the Supreme Soul is mine. This is what is important: who am I and who is mine. Keep your intellect ...

Transformation inside

Transformation inside

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  When you are soul conscious, what types of thoughts will you have? When one considers the self as a soul, one starts to think ...

Quality of interactions

Quality of interactions

Dear friends, Om shanti. There are two words that sound similar in Hindi, and they capture something important about the way we provide spiritual support for each ...

Naturally remain light

Naturally remain light

Dear friends, Om shanti. Sometimes when we come together I see that your work is making you feel heavy.  Don’t allow this to happen. Don’t allow ...

Serving the world always begins with serving the self

Serving the world always begins with serving the self

Dear friends, Om shanti. Become a detached observer of your own self and see if you feel that God is happy with you. If you are thinking of others, then what will ...

Everything starts with the heart

Everything starts with the heart

Dear friends, Om shanti. Some of you would have heard me say that everything starts with the heart. When the heart is honest and clean, God is pleased with me. Sometimes ...

Have Patience

Have Patience

Dear friends, Om shanti. Many times you will have heard me say: ‘Have patience”. Why? Because the fruit of patience is sweetness. If we sow a seed and ...

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