The future is in our hands, because the present is in our hands

The future is in our hands, because the present is in our hands

Dear Friends,
Om shanti. We are living together in a very auspicious time --- a time in which we can create our fortune for the future. Our time is valuable. ...

Joy beyond the senses

Joy beyond the senses

Dear friends, Om Shanti. I’ll share a secret of how to become joyful-- beyond the joy you get from the senses. I become conscious of myself as a soul and make ...

Serve others by helping them to smile

Serve others by helping them to smile

Dear Friend,
Om shanti. One of the ways you can serve others is to help them to smile, but this is not as easy as it may sound. Some have such a character that ...

Naturally remain light

Naturally remain light

Dear friends, Om shanti. Sometimes when we come together I see that your work is making you feel heavy.  Don’t allow this to happen. Don’t allow ...

What really is spirituality?

What really is spirituality?

Dear friend,
Om shanti.  Many talk about spirituality, but what really is
spirituality?  The energy of spirituality is an energy that works for

Don't worry -- no problem

Don't worry -- no problem

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  When you work with peace and love, then whatever work you do will be  successful.  Don’t ask ‘how’ ...

Power of Concentration

Power of Concentration

Dear friends, Om Shanti. With the power of concentration, I transform my intellect. Don’t talk much; rather concentrate on remembrance. Remember who you really ...

Keeping our inner sanctuary peaceful

Keeping our inner sanctuary peaceful

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  People need peace.  Sitting in silence is not the same as sitting in peace.  Peace will only come to me from going ...

Time is very powerful.

Time is very powerful.

Dear friends, Om shanti. You can make your mind peaceful in a second. Just shut the door on peacelessness. If we want to make a change like this – becoming ...

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