Really feel that you are fine

Really feel that you are fine

Dear friends, Om shanti. I am sure everything is fine with you because you are my friends who pay attention to your inner stage. It is not just that you say, ...

What is the condition of your heart?

What is the condition of your heart?

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  What is the condition of your heart? Go inside and ask yourself, who am I and whom do I belong to?  When you become introverted ...

Never give up on anyone

Never give up on anyone

Dear Friends,
Om shanti.  No matter how long it takes, never give up on anyone.  Even if someone seems to leave the path of benefit and go off in ...

Become a thief of virtues!

Become a thief of virtues!

Dear friends, Om shanti. Each one needs to check that there is no jealousy or envy inside themselves. This needs to finish. Remain pure in the way you think ...

Feeling of friendship

Feeling of friendship

Dear friends, Om shanti.  It is the feeling of friendship that makes people happy.  When we’re alone, we can become afraid. But if we have no animosity, ...

Receiving blessings

Receiving blessings

Dear friends, Om Shanti. Sometimes the body needs medicine but what else is needed? Blessings. In this life, blessings do a great deal of work. Meet everyone with ...

Remain incognito, introverted and introspective..

Remain incognito, introverted and introspective..

Dear friends, Om shanti. Each of us has a special part to play. We play these parts while being detached from the situations of the world and very loving. We have ...

Let our faces give a message of happiness

Let our faces give a message of happiness

Dear friends, Om shanti. Remember that whatever you do will be seen and followed by many. If you perform elevated actions then others will be inspired and they too ...

Join together the pieces of the heart

Join together the pieces of the heart

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  God is referred to as the Father by those of all religions. He is my Father, Mother, Teacher, Friend and Satguru. When that companion ...

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