God is available to us when we turn our thoughts to Him

God is available to us when we turn our thoughts to Him

Dear friends, Om shanti. Sometimes I cannot sleep at night. When this happens, I remember God. It is remembrance of the Supreme that keeps the soul ever-happy, ...

Create the future you want

Create the future you want

Dear friends, Om shanti. One reason for sorrow in the world is that people become entangled with the past. Realize that the past is past. Don’t sit there and ...

Give Happiness to others

Give Happiness to others

Dear friends, Om shanti. Our time is very valuable. Let every thought and every breath be filled with pure love and happiness. This will bring incredible happiness ...

New Year message from Dadi Janki

New Year message from Dadi Janki

Dear friends, Om shanti. We are standing at the brink of the New Year, aware of the past, the present and the future. There is no need for us to dwell on the ...

Clean heart, strong heart.

Clean heart, strong heart.

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  When one has a clean heart then effort is made from the heart rather than effort for show. I have to maintain ...

Appreciating Myself

Appreciating Myself

Dear friends, Om shanti. Never compare yourself to anyone else. All souls have their own parts to play. No two souls can have the same part. Learn how to quietly ...

Trust in others and faith in the self

Trust in others and faith in the self

Dear Friends, Om shanti.  Never look at others and think, “this one is like this, and that one is like that.”  Never see the weaknesses of ...

Three Powers Needed at All Times are Patience, Tolerance and Contentment

Three Powers Needed at All Times are Patience, Tolerance and Contentment

Dear Friend,
Om shanti.  At this time we need to imbibe values.  But to do this, you need power.  Sometimes we talk about the eight powers, but ...

Really feel that you are fine

Really feel that you are fine

Dear friends, Om shanti. I am sure everything is fine with you because you are my friends who pay attention to your inner stage. It is not just that you say, ...

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